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Blog: Anchan 7/18


Went to Japan for 2ish weeks back in July and only just writing this now.

The week before I left, I was busy with finishing up school assignments/papers and preparing for the trip. The night before, I only managed to get 3-4 hours of sleep as I had to pack, finish my uchiwa, and finish prepping my omiyage for friends I’d be meeting up with.










Unfortunately, Mother Orange and Tamango didn’t turn out on the coasters but I didn’t have enough time to play around with the paint as I was airbrushing them on with stencils that I had made. Oh well. It’s the thought that counts, right? XP
Was happy enough with the Shibumitsu uchiwa. Can’t see the mistakes from afar :3

Arrived in Tokyo July 17th and made it to the apartment without getting lost much. The place was tiny and not the cleanliest. The area/building was also a little sketch but it was literally a 2 minute walk from the station which saved me a lot of energy and allowed me to make trips back home to recharge in middle of the day. Once I got settled and changed, headed out to meet up with my friend for dinner and to pick up my tickets from her. No words can express how grateful I am for her help otherwise it would’ve been much more of a hassle for me.

Near the end of dinner, it was very obvious that I was crashing and my mind was totally not there anymore LOL
The bookstore was in the same building though so with sheer will, I managed to make the trip up to get my idol and stage mags and miraculously made it home in one piece.
I was legit dead on my feet. So tired I felt like I was floating.

Did not manage to write my letter on the plane to hand off at the venue so I had to stay up and finish it.I kept nodding off and messing up the kanji though ;~;
Pasted my letter on the back of the photo from friend who went to India and took her Mittsum with her. It’d be nice if he saw this. 🙂

Passed out for 7 hours and then the next day was my first afternoon and evening show of Anchan.

I was going to the shows by myself so I was honestly worried if I’d survive (it was a close call).

In the afternoon show, the teacher messed up his line so he went off on an adlib tangent which had Mitsu cracking up and putting his head down on the table.
The teacher said, “お父さんと一緒に会いに行きませんか?”, meaning “Would you like to go see him (your dad) together with Dad?”. When he meant to say, “Would you like to go see him (your dad) together with Sensei?”.

Mitsu looked tired (of course) but he did really well. Didn’t mess up any of his lines at all even though he had a lot of really fast, yelling lines. And his voice!
I was really impressed with how smoothly he transitioned between his 6-8 year old self to present 30 year old self. Just. So many proud feelings QQ
The story was really touching (Yes, I still have to type up a translation of the script…) and I cried more than once throughout the first show. There were so many snifflers in the audience. When the lights dimmed, I swear it sounded like the entire theater was sniffling XD;

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2 thoughts on “Blog: Anchan 7/18

  1. Nice, nice! youre so lucky, I really wish to see Kitayama at least once and see kisumai performance live. Ive been curious for so long what was Anchan story is about. If you dont mind, can you to tell me brief about the story?

    1. Sorry for the late reply!

      Hm it’s been about 2 years so my memory is foggy.

      It’s a story about a family of 5 (parents, 2 older sisters and baby brother). the father leaves the family without a word while the children are still young and the mother ends up raising the children herself.

      Years later when the children are all adults, the father shows up again out of nowhere. Mitsu plays the younger brother and he switches back and forth between being a 30year old man to a 6 or 8 year old boy as the story unfolds.

      It’s a touching family drama and I remember crying lol

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